So many things go better when you work together: as a workshop concept partner in the Expert Network. Alltrucks relies on multi-brand expertise in the truck and trailer sector, while the TruckServices Expert Network for Trailers supports workshops specializing in trailer repairs. Become a partner workshop and set the highest quality standards!
Stronger together – with a network of experts!
Our goal: continuously improving service quality for commercial vehicle owners/drivers alongside strong partners. Our workshop concepts are based on the proven product and system experience of Knorr-Bremse and other industry partners. Workshops that want to participate must fulfill certain quality criteria and set standards customers can rely on.
Our partner Alltrucks offers a variety of possibilities with the Alltrucks workshop concept.
If Alltrucks is not available in your market, TruckServices Expert Network for Trucks & Trailers is the right choice for you.
As a member of the Expert Network, you will benefit from many advantages.
Alltrucks – the multi-brand workshop concept for all types of commercial vehicles
Our recommendation for excellent commercial vehicle service in the truck and trailer sector is: Alltrucks Truck & Trailer Service. With its comprehensive range of services, Alltrucks can help you master your technological and business challenges both now and in the future, to make your workshop more competitive in the long term. As vehicle systems become more complex, the needs of workshop customers continue to grow. Your advantages as an Alltrucks partner workshop:
- Benefit from a strong network throughout Europe.
- Expand your multi-brand expertise as an Alltrucks partner workshop.
- Offer your customers reliable, high-quality service for your entire commercial vehicle fleet – from lightweight to heavyweight trucks, trailers, buses, construction and agricultural equipment.
TruckServices Expert Network for Trailers – the workshop concept for trailers
We offer the TruckServices Expert Network for Trailers for workshops specializing in trailers and requiring only trailer-related support. As a certified member of the workshop concept, you become more visible as a trailer expert, and can benefit from the expertise of our partners. Before concluding a partnership agreement, we will audit our workshop partners to ensure they comply with the specified quality criteria. These are essential for our collaboration and allow you to offer your customers consistently high quality standards in relation to Knorr-Bremse systems. Your advantages as a partner workshop in the TruckServices Expert Network for Trailers:
- Take advantage of individual support from our experts for trailer applications.
- Exchange valuable experiences with network partners.
- Place your workshop with trailer expertise in the TruckServices Contact Finder.
- Benefit from discounts on trailer specific training sessions.
- Stay on the ball: with regular product and market specific information.
Workshop concepts

Alltrucks is the multi-brand workshop concept for all types of commercial vehicles. It is our recommendation for excellent commercial vehicle service in the truck and trailer sector. What are the advantages of becoming a partner in the Alltrucks Workshop-
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The TruckServices Expert Network for Trailers is our harmonized concept for workshops specializing in trailers and requiring only trailer-related support. Membership of the Expert Network for Trailers will provide you with opportunities to further develop your business.
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